A lot can happen in a few months of not keeping track. Emma started preschool and is already starting to read on her own, Kaliz grew about six inches, and suddenly decided she no longer needs mom and dad's help with anything, and Jared and I found out that we are expecting another little girl next February. That's right, THREE. According to the ultrasound technician, "I'd be really surprised if it's a boy." We're not completely satisfied with that analysis and are planning a trip to the ultrasound people at the mall in a month or so for confirmation. But, in the mean time, we're calling the baby "she" and decided that if she really is "she," her name will be Sarah Anne. We are all thrilled; the girls are beyond excited. Well, there it is, the big news. Maybe now that's out in the open I'll feel up to writing in the blog more often, if only to keep up with Marlena.